Thursday, May 27, 2010

Many Changes

So life has been very busy around here since I last posted. We are on the move again but hopefully this one will be for a little while. Since we were married almost 4 years ago we have been renting and wishing that someday we could maybe own our own home. Well that "someday" has come and God has provided. We will be closing on our house next week if all goes as planned! This is such a huge blessing from the Lord and once again it just shows us evidence of God's faithfulness. (Currently our apartment is less than 600 square feet and I think you can imagine how hard that is with a little one. Plus this is the third apartment for us in 4 years!)

Sunny Day at Grammy and Grandpa's!

Talo can do no wrong in Grammy or Grandma's Eyes!

So for almost a year we have been praying for a more permanent apartment or home of our own to move to. Then just when we were on the breaking point the Lord provided this home, it has everything we could want in a home. Three bedrooms, a small little yard, and room for our Talo and future little ones.

"Ahh, now time for a little washing, truly I just want to play with the hose!"

We seem to be learning a lot about the Lord lately and his perfect timing. He is always faithful, always hearing our prayers, and always answering them in his timing. Jon and I have definitely been humbled where we are living now and we had lots of repenting to do over our selfishness and ungratefulness with what God had provided us thus far. However, isn't it true once you come before God, ask forgiveness, realize your sin and humble yourselves before him then you receive His blessing and best for your life.(James 4) He just can't show us his best when we are in opposition to him. Oh why did it take us a year to figure that out, how ungrateful and stubborn we can be sometimes! Thank You Lord for your grace!

"I don't want to miss a spot!"

Talo is changing in so many ways lately. He is very excited about have a sibling and talks about a brother and sister almost everyday. He insists he is getting a sister, maybe he knows something we don't. However, with all this to say you can tell he is very excited we are going to adopt again. So many times we notice in Talo many of his memories and thoughts from Ethiopia. Though he lacks the words and maturity of thought to describe them. Maybe someday he will be able to articulate what his life was like before our family. All I know is there are times I cry over his experiences and someday I know he will too. But thankful we have the Lord to turn to in our tears and suffering, I couldn't imagine life without Jesus! Thank You God for your faithfulness!

"Ok Time to find out what Mommys doing!"

As Talo and I woke up the other morning he came into bed with me and we were just cuddling. Then he looked at our hands and said, "Mommy no has purple hands", I said "What Talo" and again he said, "Mommy no has purple hands". Oh my heart felt sad as I realized he is losing his innocence and we will start to face the more difficult questions in adoption in the days and years ahead. But with confidence i told him no Mommy has tan skin and you have brown skin. We talked about how God made us all different colors and that's what makes us special. Daddy is white, Mommy is tan(it's summertime!), and Talo is brown. He totally accepted this and we sang the song, "Love is black, white, tan. God's love is black white Tan." I think this will remain one of his favorite songs for a long time as he asks me to sing it often.

Time for the Park with Daddy!

This is something we face in adoption, the issue of race and I started to feel inadequate as his mother due to my skin color. Many fears and attacks from the enemy ran through my mind. But God is so faithful and as we sat down in church that morning two other adoptive families were right in front of us. Their children are beautifully black and they are beautifully white. Just the way God made them. And as we sang, "Our God Reigns", the Lord spoke to me about how he is over everything even race and He does Reign! He has formed our family and that is the confidence that I have to be Talo's Mommy with, the confidence that God has created our skin color and our family. Amen! Thank You Lord that you Reign!

"Catch me Daddy!"

God has created our family so beautifully and I couldn't be more thankful for my Talo. As I went to work last night I reminisced on the day we were united as a family. My patient delivered her baby soon after my shift began and it was a beautiful delivery filled with emotions and tears from both parents. They were truly overwhelmed to have met their baby for the first time. As I watched them in their first moments with their son my mind began to trail back to Ethiopia in our first moments with Talo. Even now I tear up as I write this for that day changed our lives forever and in those first moments with Talo we became a family and I wouldn't trade my Talo for any other child.

"My new favorite corn on the cob!"

The days can be long, I can be tense, Talo can by grumpy, we are usually tired but one thing never changes we love that little pitter patter all over our house and we are excited for more pitter patter feet from Ethiopia! Please help us adopt again by checking out our website ! The coffee is soooo good and the apparel is nice too!!

"If I had my wish I would just play with trucks and cars all day! For some reason mommy likes to engage me in other activities maybe it is tiring for her when I drive the cars over her feet while she cooks dinner. Who knows but their still my favorites no matter what other toy she gives me!"