Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Big Move

Hi Everyone,
Sorry we haven't posted in so long, things have been really busy here. Every time we think we can't do anything more something else comes up with the adoption or our lives. We are just so thankful to have God holding us up, without Jesus we would be floundering! He truly is our strength in the midst of all this whole journey.

Yesterday we moved from our tiny one bedroom apartment to a wonderful 2 bedroom apartment in the next town over. We are loving all the new space!!!!!!!!! But getting organized will be a real challenge. But as you can tell our computer is one of the first things hooked up so we can be in touch with the rest of the world.

The apartment was completely God's doing. One day day I had just prayed asking God to forgive me for not believing he would provide us an apartment in the time we needed. You see we had given our old landlords a date of when we would be moving out and 2 weeks before we needed to move we still couldn't find an apartment. But then that same day I was praying for forgiveness for my lack of faith I prayed in faith that God would give us an apartment that same night. Well wouldn't you know how God works, that night he brought us to this apartment and when we walked in and met our new landlord we all realized that we go to the same church. Then the old tenants started to tell us about this beautiful Ethiopian adoption that there friends had just gone through! So amazing and so God!

So here we are in the midst of our many boxes and total disorganization trying to get organized for our last visit with our social worker this evening. We feel so excited to know this is the place God has provided for us to start our family! Soon we will be unpacking for three!

Please pray for us as we continue to try to get organized and finish out our adoption paperwork!

"My Soul, wait in silence for God only,
For my Hope is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation,
My stronghold; I shall not be shaken."
Psalm 62:5-6

In His Grip,
Jon and Jolene


Anonymous said...

Now that you’re in your new apartment we will be waiting to greet our new grandchild when he or she arrives. We had fun helping you move and look forward of doing it again when you can help us. We have so much to be thankful for in this country it easy to take it all for granted but thanks be to God for all we have and answered prayers. Soon Spring will be here giving new life to all of nature around us, how beautiful this time of year can be and we are looking forward to sharing those warm summer day cook outs with you both.

Dad & Mom Johns

greg & amy said...

Greg and I are enjoying reading your blog and your adoption journey! Adoption has been on our hearts for so long and now with Greg finishing school, we feel we can start to pursue it as well. But its nice to watch and learn from someone in the family going through it first! :)

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