Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We did not Pass Court But. . .

Well, as I am sure many of you already know we did not pass court on Friday. One of the people involved in our little guy's case did not show up. So we began another time of waiting. Hearing the news that we did not pass court was so hard and we did cry and wish we had passed. However, we had prayed for God's will to be done and fully believe it was. But then I wonder do my prayers make a difference? Is God hearing what we are crying out to him for? How do I pray in Faith knowing that God is going to do His will and that it may not be my will.

As we seek God every day we both can see how He is deepening and strengthening our faith in Him. We are learning that truly no matter what we may want His will is always perfect and always best. Our hearts burn to have our son home and take him everywhere; the ocean, long walks, hiking, traveling to meet our relatives and so much more. Yet even though this is our passion and desire God has said wait. Wait and trust me and yes keep praying. Because even though I may feel my prayers did not make a difference the Bible and truth of God's Word tells me he does hear and answer our prayers. Emotions can not determine the truths of what I KNOW to be true about God.

Satan may come and try to make us doubt. He may come and try to plant worries in our minds about what lies ahead for us in our life with our son. However, these are only false emotions and attacks from the enemy and we are blessed by the Victory we have in Christ. For God says. . .

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Hebrews 11:1

Before court we just prayed that God's will would be done and that whatever would bring Him more glory would take place. So to God be the glory and to God be the glory because He has given us a new court date! Our case will go before the judge again while we sleep tonight and the LORD will decide when our son comes home. It is in His hands.

As I felt discouraged today I knew I needed to just praise God and this is the song that I sang! God is so amazing and we love Him so much. To Him be the Glory!


Anonymous said...

Praise God. To him be all the glory. Thank for that song this morning and waiting to hold our precious grandson in our arms.
love you both
Mom and Dad Johns

Anonymous said...

Jolene and Jon--
I've been checking your blog everyday since Friday in hopes of an update! We grieve with you about not passing court but take comfort knowing that God has a plan for your family.

Love you guys!!
Greg and Amy

Anonymous said...

Oh how I love this blog!!!!! What a testament to your faith. Your journey from the start has been amazing. I had no idea what a process this was going to be. Thru all this your patience has been tested and your trust in God can only deepen.I know this little guy will be in your arms soon and all in Gods timing all will be great!!!!!We are praying for you and beleive all this waiting is for a reason and when you look back you will see why Gods timing is so perfect!!
We love you guys !! loce Candice & Michael

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