I wanted to post this link as this video is only available to watch online until November 14th. Then you would have to order it but the good news is that its free!Just check out www.cryoftheorphan.org for ordering info.
This is one of the best videos Jon and I have see about adoption and orphan care. It address how every Christian has been commanded to care for the orphan and if adoption is not for your family how else can you be involved? Maybe foster care, maybe through financial giving to Show Hope, or maybe sponsoring another family to adopt. Whatever you do just make sure you remember God's call to all of us as Christians. . .
"Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world." James 1:27
(This is the link to the video only until November 14th!)
Also take a few minutes to listen to this song. It is written by Mark Schultz about how whether we live for a few minutes or several years everyone deserves to know what it means to be loved. He sings it on the "Cry of the Orphan" video. I think it just so clearly describes what we should be doing for the orphan and the unborn. Remember if you are encouraging mothers to not have abortions are you there to provide a home if they decide they would like to chose adoption for their child?
As they say in the Cry of Orphan video, "You Are God's Plan For the Orphan."
1 comment:
Oh Jolene that song just made me sob!!! I will be listening to the video tonight.
Love you Mom(grammy)
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