Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Who is Called to Adopt?

As we continue to go through our adoption process we are currently working on finishing our home study. This is a series of meetings with a social worker where information about us is given to her so she can write up a formal document. When we say "information" we mean everything from physical exam forms, financial statements, criminal background checks, and also autobiographies about us! It is definitely a lot to take in and we just can't wait to have it finished!Soon we will have our fourth meeting with our social worker and then she will start to write up our home study. Once complete we will fax it to our adoption agency in Virginia for a final approval before we send it in with our other documents. Things are finally starting to come together and we hope our dossier will go to Ethiopia sometime in May.

During all of this paperwork we tend to find ourselves asking why more Christians aren't adopting? Finances can't be excuses because $25,000 is spent everyday by average people on cars and that isn't even given a second thought. So what is it? Why isn't the church's heart drawn more toward the orphan? Do they think adoption is only for the "childless couple"? Like adoption is second best or plan B?

May we share with you the fact that adoption is plan A, it is God's choice for all of us. We have been adopted to be children of God through Jesus' death and resurrection for us. If it wasn't for Jesus we would all be destined for Hell, for an eternity apart from God. However, because Jesus was willing to die for us and give us the opportunity to receive life in Him we now have a huge choice to make. Do we want to remain orphans with an eternity apart from God or do we want to enter into a relationship with our Heavenly Father and spend eternity in Heaven with Him?

One of our favorite verses in the Bible is Romans 8:15, it tells how God places us in His family once we believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior. That he conquered our sin on the cross and therefore when we receive Him as God's payment for our Sin we can be free to enter into God's family. We can be Sons and Daughters of the God of the Universe! He has chosen to adopt us!

"For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!"

Since we have been adopted it is only natural for God to call the Church, those who have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, to care for the orphan. Adoption is something God is calling all Christians to whether it may be giving financially to help sponsor an adoption or actually adopting an orphan into your own family. We just feel so passionate that the Church can not remain asleep any longer to God's calling. And we are praying God would open more people's hearts to adoption. Adoption is not the answer to infertility, adoption is God's calling to us as believers! We would love you to watch this video of a family who so demonstrates what adoption is all about. We know you will be so moved and blessed by it!

Right now it is estimated that there are 148 million orphans worldwide. Do you think it is time for the Church to wake up?