Monday, March 29, 2010

Every Day I will. . .

Sometimes different seasons in life can create how I respond to the Lord. How I respond to my family, and now how I respond to Talo. Recently I have been doing a lot of repenting (being truly sorry over our sin and totally turning around from it) before the LORD over how I have let circumstances disrupt my joy and praise in him. My daily time with the Lord wasn't lacking however I was making Him a God of my life and my circumstances versus being a daughter of the Lord Most High. My prayer times were all about my difficulties and I was forgetting how praise worthy and soverign our God really is. How when I come into his presence as my friend Lauren reminded me in her blog, I need to just come. Not to get what I want, not to get an answer but just come because He is so worthy of our praise.

Here I am with my Great Aunt Candice and my Auntie Jamie!

Our blessing from above! He never looks at the Camera when it really counts!

In this past season with the Lord I feel like I have gone from "Moutain top days to deep valleys of self pity". I won't go into all the details of what causes both times however I was reading one of my favorite Christian Artists blog the other day and she shared a verse that I read almost everyday. However, this time the Lord spoke right to me about it and I fee like my attitude has been so changed before the LORD since reading it. His word has caused me to seek his forgiveness and come before him with true praise no matter how I "feel" that day. God is so worthy of our praise now matter what kind of a season we are going through and my prayer is that I would bless the Lord everyday and always with my life. I want to experience and show his joy no matter what my external circumstances in life may be.

Will i still cry, yes... will i still be angry at times, yes. . . will i still feel sad. . .yes, but will i praise him in all these emotions I want my answer to be yes.

Here comes our little rock star!

As we have just celebrated Easter may you and I realize afresh what Jesus did for us by dying on that cross to take away our sins and rising again so we may have eternal life and a right relationship with God. The verse below is the one I mentioned above that God just spoke to me through. He is so worthy and may we come before him each day just because He is worthy and we are privilaged to be in His presence.

"Every day I will bless You, And I will praise Your name forever and ever.
Great is teh LORD, and highly to be praised." Psalm 145:2

My dear cousin Evan and his sweet girlfriend Courtney gave talo a little Easter Basket. Here he is trying out the Bubles for the first time as Evan and Courtney look on.

Now Talo is explaining to Evan where the bubles should go!

And after the busy weekend was done our little man gets such joy out of just playing in the sink. I had to take this picture becaus notice what he did with all the boats and cups. He covered every object he could and then turned the water on, you can only imagine where it all went! AHHHHH Motherhood!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Thank you Jolene for sharing and witnessing to the God we serve. I know this is not about you but about what our amazing God can do through us when we are in relationship with Him. Who ever thought that God would use my children to teach me His grace and mercy’s? I know God has greater plans for you, Jon, Talo and??? I'm glad you keep this blog going so let your light shine that others may know where you get your joy and strength. I am grateful to have been blessed with such a wonderful daughter and son in-law and now a grandson. May God continue His goods works in all you and may His blessing be upon your family all the days of your life.

Love you so much,

PS: I even listed to the music clips and liked them.

Lauren @ mercy(INK) said...

so what I've been convicted with the past few weeks too. it is my prayer that i would daily rise with an attitude of thanksgiving and praise to a God who is worthy! thank you, as always, for sharing :)

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